In honor of EMS week 2022, we sat down with one of our Medical Officers/EMS Captain, Steven Stolle. Captain Stolle started with A-Shift at District 7 Fire & Rescue in December of 2021 and has countless years of service and experience in EMS.

Here's our interview:
What brought you to District 7?
"District 7 at least for me has always been seen as a leader in Fire Based Emergency Medical Services. As a combination Fire/EMS dept this can be a challenge but that is one thing that is unique about District 7. We pride ourselves in the care that we provide to our patients and as Fire Based EMS systems go I would say we are very EMS-centered. All our Medical Officers are Board Certified in Critical Care as well as several of the frontline staff. Something you don't see everywhere else. So, what brought me to D7FR? I would say it's easily the people I get to serve. "
Why did you go into EMS?
"I wouldn't say I intentionally went into EMS. I more or less fell into it. Head-over-heels that is. I would have never in a million years have thought that I would love medicine as much as I do. Even after almost 11 years my passion and drive for this profession has not wavered."
What/Who inspires you?
"WHO: My family and the amazing people I get the opportunity to lead inspire me the most.
WHAT: The constant evolution of services and care we are able to provide."
What is your favorite and least favorite word?
"My favorite word would probably have to be Consistency no matter what you do in life I feel this attribute is key. When you are consistent people know what to expect from you. As Craig Groeschel says, "successful people do consistently what others do occasionally."
My least favorite word would have to be the word potential. Defined by Webster's dictionary and google as the chance or possibility that something will develop. To me, potential is just another word for something you haven't done yet."
The best part of the job?
"The best part of the job for me is seeing the growth. Growth of the individual providers, growth of the agency, and best of all growth of this amazing profession we call EMS."